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Weekly Wisdom
A Time To Reflect on This Week's Torah Portion
Parashat Chukat: Forgiveness?
What did Moses do wrong? What was so wrong with Moses’s actions that G-d could not forgive him or Aaron? In this week’s Torah portion,...
Parashat Korach: Mutiny
What do you do when you don’t like the Leadership in your life? Whether it be at work, in your synagogue, in your government, in the...
Parashat Shelach: The Promise
Have you ever been close to accomplishing a dream, or almost finishing a project, and have gotten a little bit of cold feet towards the...
Parashat Behaalotekha: Stand
What does it mean to complain about something? Complaining typically has less than good connotations. It just sounds annoying. It is the...
Parashat Naso: Blessings
Yeverechacha Adonai v’yishmerecha. Yaer Adonai panav elecha v’chuneka. Yisa Adonai panav elecha vayasem lecha shalom. The Priestly...
Parashat Bamidbar: In the Wilderness
Have you ever felt like you were wandering in the wilderness of life? Wandering in a great and vast desert? Unsure of your future? Of...
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai: The Sabbath of the Earth
As Shabbat is nearing today, think about what you will be doing to rest and rejuvenate this weekend. After a long work week, think about...
Parashat Emor: Time
What time is it? Seriously, what time is it right now, specifically at this moment? Look at your watch, phone, iPad, or computer. Think...
Parashat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Holiness
What is holiness? What makes something holy? I have noticed as soon as the word “holy” is said in any context there is a pause as a...
Parashat Tazria-Metzora: Speak No Evil
Words. Words have a lot of power. They have the power to inspire and raise people up. They have the power to teach, to guide, to mold, to...
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